This is rich! For a week, Republicans have been throwing an absolute shitfit over the purloined Kennedy ad and the moral turpitude of any DFLer within a mile of it. The National Republican Senatorial Committee is still flogging the issue and pelting the Klobuchar campaign with questions.
And today, this email blast goes out from the Pawlenty campaign.
Just to recap, in case there are any slow kids in the room:
• Klobuchar campaign learns of an unreleased Kennedy ad.
• Fires communications director.
• Files report with FBI.
• Apologizes to Kennedy, who shuts down website except for donation page.
• Pawlenty campaign learns of unreleased ad by 527 group.
• Issues preemptive mailing accompanying an appeal for campaign donations.
I think this calls for some NRSC-like questions.
• How did the campaign learn about the planned ad and its scheduled broadcast?
• How does the campaign know it is a “negative attack ad”?
• Has anyone associated with the campaign viewed the ad or its content?
• Please provide a chronology of events from the time the campaign learned of the ad to its issuance of the email on 9/26.
• How else has any information about the ad been used by the campaign?
• Does the organization have in place an operation designed to detect in advance placement of media by 527 groups or competing campaigns?
• Please detail how this information is gathered, and explain how the process does not violate confidentiality between the media and its customers.
Who thought this would be a good idea?
Maybe the Republican machine isn't so tight after all.