Enough with the bare knuckles politics. It's time to go bare chested.
Vladimir Putin is the latest to play the chest card. Arnold Schwarzenegger built a governorship largely on his pectoral definition, while Jesse Ventura simultaneously evoked Rodin and the pose off. Leaders from Mussolini to JFK shed their shirts to underscore their political potency, so why blame Putin?
And heck, Vlad was in Siberia.
When a nice August day gets up to 52°, what else is a fellow who wants to signal his intention of staying in power going to do — catch a fish?
Note that, unlike photos of Barack Obama's emergence from the sea or Hillary Clinton's supposed cleavage, these were shot and released by Putin's presidential press service. Campaign shots, in other words.
Perhaps instead of YouTube questions at upcoming debates, candidates could submit their own vigorous videos and we could judge for ourselves.
Imagine the campaign consultants working out the scenarios. Beach football or rock climbing? Skinning a deer or swimming through I-35W debris? Alone or with Dennis Hastert?
Does Botox work with pecs? What kind of pose doesn't look gay? How do we convince Joe Biden that a combover will not work with back hair?
And the ultimate agony: who's gonna bring this one to Hillary?