I see the Tea Party Express III is hitting Grand Junction Wednesday morning. This event, we are told, is the real Tea Party deal, not a bogus one like some of the others being organized in the valley. (It is the same caravan landing in Minnesota April 6th, the day before the GOP-sponsored Sarah Palin-Michele Bachmann rally.)
Normally, I'd be all over it. Last year's local rally was a gold mine, but Wednesday is my volunteer day at the Day Center and there's something perverse about skipping out on a commitment to watch people whine about the government.
This rolling RV-fest will feature an appearances by local congressional candidate Bob McConnell, a retired Army Colonel and attorney for whom "God, Country, and Family come first. Party comes second."
Aside from his trinitarian notion of who's on first, McConnell is a Tenther who believes President Obama is a socialist (at least) and "In order to recover from devastating unemployment, the federal government has to get out of the Third District of Colorado. That is the mission I intend to accomplish as a congressman."
McConnell is a relatively recent resident in the Third District. He moved to Steamboat Springs after an outfitting business he started near Colorado Springs went bust. He was working for the ski patrol when Minnesota's Michele Bachmann hit town last August to speak at The Steamboat Institute Freedom Conference.
McConnell said Bachmann "looked me right in the heart and said 'If you’re that angry, get out and do something.'"
Getting the federal government out of Colorado's Third District? How about getting Minnesota's Sixth District Congresswoman out of the federal government, so she can do her Palin Junior act full-time?