Kevin Watterson is the director of public affairs for the Minnesota House Republican Caucus. That means he is a government employee who works for people who derive at least part of their livelihood from the government, and he draws a pay check from the tax payers.
So it's curious that he would tweet something like this:
Sat on a bench in Target for 20 wating for pharma 2 open. Guy next to me the whole time gets up & opens it. Imagine when he's a govt worker.
Got that? A guy who's a government worker observes a private-sector employee and uses him to impugn government workers.
I'm not going to argue that government at any level is a total paragon of efficiency, enterprise or long-term decision-making. But the people arguing the loudest for defunding the public sector seem to believe that government is incapable, while the private sector is a model of efficiency, creativity and adaptation that will save America from the cesspool of creeping socialism.
Got that? Watterson sits apparently inert waiting for a private business to open — presumably at the time it has established its business hours — and uses the occasion to demean any government employee who might do the same.
Self-loathing, anyone?